Pricing & Paying

What you need to know before you buy


Pre-Paying, Insurance, Trusts

CAUTION! A primary arena for fraud and unfilled expectations.


Funeral Providers

BUYERS BEWARE! Get a price list AND a written estimate BEFORE you hire.


Who owns it? Who pays to maintain it? What charges are ALL the charges, really?

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Caskets & Urns

Techniques to get you to pay more. Funeral Home offerings versus other sources.


Markers and Everything Else

Funeral Home offerings versus other sources. Restrictions, errors, and obstacles.


Lowest Cost Way to Go

Your options in order of price.

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Getting $ Help

Sources of financial assistance.

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Funeral, burial benefits for veterans and their spouses.


Covid-19 FEMA Aid

FEMA may pay up to $9000 in funeral related costs for those who died until Septmeber 2025. This link takes you directly to FEMA's webpage.

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