Cemeteries and Plots

Cemetery Options

Cemeteries can be categorized in several ways:

  1. Who owns it?  A private company, a public entity (usually a city), or a religious organization?
  2. What kind of design?  Does it have monuments/headstones above ground or at ground level surrounded by lawn?
  3. Constructed or Natural? Are the deceased encased in permanent structures or allowed to decompose into the undeveloped environment?
  4. Restricted? Usually restrictions are for veterans or for a religious sect.

Cemetery Nightmares

What could possibly go wrong?

This list is NOT comprehensive. There is no end of how people can err or have plans change.

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  1. Maintenance gets neglected or even abandoned.
  2. The body is buried in the wrong plot.
  3. The same plot is sold multiple times.
  4. Records are lost, both for the plot sale and who is buried where.
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  1. Failing to inform survivors of location of paperwork for pre-paid plot, or survivors forgetting about it until too late.
  2. Buying a family plot only to have children move too far away to use it.
  3. Discovering a more preferable burial alternative to the already paid-for plot.
  4. Buying a husband-wife plot prior to a divorce, or widowhood and re-marriage.
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  1. Destruction by act of war.
  2. Damage by climate change, especially flooding.
  3. Destruction by development.
  4. Development around the cemetery changing the feel of the location.
  5. Family that might have visited all move away.

Choosing the Right Cemetery


Choosing the Right Cemetery

 Consider factors such as location, religious affiliations, and the overall atmosphere. Visit different cemeteries in your area and take note of their upkeep and ambiance. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and seek recommendations from friends or family members who have already made this decision.

Types of Cemetery Plots

Cemetery plots come in various types, each with its own characteristics and considerations. The most common types include:

1. Traditional Burial Plots: These plots are typically located in a cemetery and accommodate a single casket burial. They often include a headstone or monument.

2. Lawn Burial Plots: These plots are similar to traditional burial plots but are located in a lawn-like area. They offer a more natural and serene setting.

3. Mausoleum Crypts: Mausoleums are above-ground structures that house crypts for casket burials. They provide a unique and often more expensive option for burial.

4. Cremation Plots: If you have chosen cremation, you can opt for a cremation plot. These plots are smaller and designed to hold urns containing cremated remains.

Considerations for Buying a Cemetery Plot

1. Cost:

2. Accessibility: Consider the accessibility of the cemetery for your loved ones. Will it be easy for them to visit? Is it located near your place of residence or a significant location?

3. Future Planning: Think about your future needs and the possibility of purchasing multiple plots for your family members. If you wish to be buried alongside your spouse or other family members, ensure that there are adjoining plots available.

4. Cemetery Rules and Regulations: What are the restrictions on grave decorations or visiting hours.

Cemetery-Caused Problems and Complaints

Most states have some agency that handles complaints about cemeteries.

Changing Events Impact on Cemeteries

“Change is inevitable. Change is constant.”  Benjamin Disraeli

In the news about things that have happened to cemeteries:

When the dead don’t stay buried: the grave situation at cemeteries amid climate change” by Dinah Voyles Pulver, published by USA Today, September 14, 2023


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