About Us


We are a nonprofit helping people understand the full range of options we have in planning and arranging for their demise. We aim to inform the public on our rights in interacting with the deathcare industry and to sound the alarm about known scams and fraud in the industry.  We also intend to work with legislatures and regulatory agencies for more options and better consumer protections  related to the deathcare industry.


We formed in 2023, an outgrowth of several organizations that were originally formed to provide a discount for their members with a local funeral provider.  The founders recognized that the organizations were evolving to provide information to the public.

Our Team

  • Jason Bense
  • Mary Bullard
  • John Goodman
  • Dale Lessick
  • Cheryll Moore
  • Jean Okuye
  • Nancy Ortiz
  • Laurel Sexton
  • Randy Seifkin

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